Saturday, January 23, 2010

open ur eyes....

waah...lama sudah x update blog nie...
mcm tade pape nak cite tapi sbnrnnye bnyk nak cite,
tapi tak tercerita..(ape punye ayt da)...
thun 2010 nie bru je start tapi da byk yg terjadi..
manis, pahit, kelat sume ade..heee~
tapi yg plg seronok nye, hidup ak lebih tenang skrg..
tanpa dia, tetapi ada DIA...
i lurve my life.... i lurve myself and i lurve HIM.
hope my life skrg akn lbh bercahaya..urm..
pas sume2 nie, ak asek terpk,
sume ujian yg Allah trunkan pdaku, hyalah tuk mendekatkan
ku, b strong! Allah sentiasa ad di sisiku...
walupn skrg nie mcm merangkak2 blk, but at least i'll try..
try to b d best n to get d best 4 my life.. and d most important is
tuk daptkan keredhaan Nya......thanx to people yg byk bantuku,
n alhamdulillah...ak lbh tenang..n hopefully,
tenang n trus tenang...dan smoge ak tak goyah dgn ujian2 Nya,
dan tak mengikut nafsu keduniaan semate2,,huu~
lets start question in ourselves,isnt diz proof enough 4 us??
or r we so blind to push it all aside....we juz have to open our eyes,
our minds and our hearts....if we just look bright to see the signs
we can't keep hiding the truth,let it take us by suprise, take us in
d best way and guide us in every single day...ya Allah.. keep us close
to u, until d end of tym....
lets us open our heart to Him....=)